Tuesday, April 28, 2015


I know I neglect you tired old blog. My last post was in the grip of winter. Spring is slowly (very, very slowly) blooming and we did go in search of warmer weather. We returned to the sun warmed beaches of Emerald Isle NC for April vacation. I think it's totally worth the 14 hour drive... The memories are worth it (uh-em Jenna).
This hole was already here, it delivered days of enjoyment!

About Me

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My name is Jackie and I am a mother, wife, friend, sister, daughter, cousin to many, and a dreamer of sorts. I dream of many things and one is a life full of acceptance, achievement and success for my Super Hero son Asa. He's got extra good stuff that comes with a little thing called Down syndrome. We live in the beautiful state of New Hampshire with our 2 Bulldogs; Rosie, Frankie and 36 chickens.