Tuesday, February 18, 2014


We went to camp! For weeks Asa has been begging to go to "Camp". Up until now there hadn't been enough snow to go to camp. This time of year the ONLY way to get to camp is by snowmobile. We were going to go Saturday and spend the night, but because of the snow storm Friday there was too much snow! We had to wait for the groomer to go through and pack the trail enough so that the we wouldn't get stuck in the mounds of snow on snowmobiles. I had yesterday off so the boys and I decided to go with Grammy and Grampy Sunday and spend the night.
 Waiting for the wood stove to warm up! Too cold to get undressed until it cranks out some heat...

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The tablet got a workout considering no TV, electricity or even cell service. Good thing we've got lots of apps!

Free Entertainment, wrestling with Derrick

 Blues Brothers...

View out Camp window
More snow today, 3"- 5"...

1 comment:

  1. ive got to say it has been nice getting out in the sunshine. That pic. of him with the pepsi was right after the party he went to.:)
    I dont know how many times I can say but that snow is just so pretty


About Me

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My name is Jackie and I am a mother, wife, friend, sister, daughter, cousin to many, and a dreamer of sorts. I dream of many things and one is a life full of acceptance, achievement and success for my Super Hero son Asa. He's got extra good stuff that comes with a little thing called Down syndrome. We live in the beautiful state of New Hampshire with our 2 Bulldogs; Rosie, Frankie and 36 chickens.