It has been so hot and humid that there hasn't been a day when we were home that the boys weren't getting wet. So on Sunday they wanted me to put the water table beside their little pool and the umbrella to make their own beach. I'm not sure why this section of the yard Asa always considers the beach, it may be because of the large area of bark mulch - who knows! They also were mixing drinks and making lemonade. Nothing like a couple cups and some water to entertain :)

Asa started summer camp this week. As you Mommies out there with special need kiddos know any new environment, experience, people ( I could go on ) is tough for our children. They are creatures of habit and love routine and things they are familiar with and people they feel comfortable with. Well, this transition hasn't been easy either. For the past two days Asa has had wet pants at one time or another. They are bringing him to the potty but I think the new environment is intimidating Ace a little bit. He never had an accident all year at school! I think he is confused with who, what, where, when and how. There are bigger kids there too and they are doing LOTS of activities. Yesterday they took a bus and went to a minor league baseball game 2 hours away. I had some anxiety about this I won't lie! But knew he would enjoy it and have a good time and experience. 2 hours is a long ride and of course Asa had an accident before they could get to the bathrooms, but another factor is that Asa is petrified of big, scary, noisy, public bathrooms! To make a long story short, the male counselor that brought him to the bathroom to change (and try to use) put his soiled shorts back in the zip lock bag with all his other clean clothes! GRRRRR.... I also did not get to his back pack until 9:30 last night! So needless to say the bag was a little ripe and I was doing a load of laundry when I was ready to go to bed... I dearly hope and pray that he gets used to the new routine in the next couple days. The Camp Director has voiced her concerns of not having the time to potty train kids, well Asa doesn't need potty training he just needs to make it to the bathroom before he wets his pants. He knows how to use the potty he just needs help getting there... It's been a lot of work and worry with him this week and it's only Wednesday! On top of the camp drama he had Speech this morning and his has faltered immensely over the last 3 weeks. He hasn't been wearing his hearing aid because I'm afraid with all the outdoor play, water and him chewing on it I just haven't put it in, but it certainly helps... What to do? It's definitely not a win, win situation.