I recently was asked by our pediatrician (who is absolutely
awesome, love her) if it would be okay if she gave our name to a new family of
a baby that was born with Down syndrome that’s in her practice. She said they
are not ready to make “contact” yet, they are not at that point, it was a
surprise diagnosis and everything is fresh and new. I immediately burst into
tears, one reason was because, OH, do I remember that feeling and second
because I was honored she asked us. I told her about the blog and the reason
why I started it was to reach out to new families that weren’t quite ready yet
and to help them know that it would be okay. To look at our pictures and see
that we are just like any other family; life is what you make it. I gave her
the blog address, a copy of Our Super Hero Life essay and my email.
Doc emailed me last night and said that she had met with the
family and they still weren’t ready yet, but they did want to look at our blog
and this is where the guilt set in. I haven’t been quite on top of the whole
“blog inspiring new parents thing”. Yes I write about our day’s ins and outs
but don’t really write much about Down syndrome. The number one reason why I
don’t is because it isn’t the biggest part of our life. It actually is minimal,
really… Yes, Asa was born with Down syndrome and I’ve said this time and time
again - Down syndrome doesn’t make Asa who he is, Asa makes him who he is. He’s
an individually who happened to be born with Down syndrome.
So, to the family we haven’t met – yet, I want you to know
that it will be okay. Everyday will get a little easier; you will fall head
over heels in love with your little bean if you haven’t already! Yes, it is
hard, there is anger and anguish, but there is love, hope and dreams. You don’t
have to throw away the dreams you had before your nugget was born. They will
still accomplish so many things and you will be SO PROUD. I remember the day we
got Asa’s diagnosis and I called my Dad. He said, “Don’t you give up on him”
the thought had never crossed my mind, but those were fighting words to me
because I told my Dad it only means we fight harder. Though the fight has its
ups and downs, that’s how life rolls for anyone. As time passed and we
“evolved” rocking my sweet baby to sleep I started to thank God for giving me
such a precious gift, that he had enough faith in me to do this, to raise this
child who is so special. I still thank God for Asa; I am SO SO PROUD of him.
There are no words to describe how important Asa’s presence is in our lives and
everyone he knows and meets. We recently did the Buddy Walk and Asa’s school
aide and her family came. One of her daughters said this "You know Mom,
you say that Asa is lucky to have his friends/class at school but they are
really lucky to have him, they will always be a special class because Asa is in
it and they will have him as a friend". She said it better than I ever
In closing, please know that you are not alone and what you
are feeling is normal. This is a new beginning of something that is wonderfully
full, satisfying and magical. Even better than a Snicker’s bar when you are
really hungry :-) Time heals everything and it truly goes by way too fast. Enjoy your baby, hold
them close and breath them in, hold their little hand and rub those tiny
fingers because before you know it they will be climbing on a school bus
blowing you a kiss goodbye and leaving you behind…
We share in your journey; we’re here if and when you need
us. Don’t wish it away, embrace it and love with all you can give because you
will certainly get it in return…