Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
31 for 21 day 27
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
31 for 21 Day 26
I'd like to share The Creed, as I've said before, some may know this by heart and it may be the first time for others!

Monday, October 25, 2010
Help Bring Axel Home
Back to Leah. Leah has a daughter Angela (14 yrs) Angela is AMAZING. She is an awesome swimmer amongst other talents, but has competed and won Olympic Gold. She was also an alternate to go to the World's Special Olympics! To say the least Leah is proud of Angela and has done a wonderful job raising her and being her mother, but Leah is taking a giant leap and has decided to adopt a little boy from Eastern Europe with Down syndrome. His name is Axel and he is in Foster Care currently and has not been transferred to a Mental Institution (yet). Children who are born with a Mental or Physical disability in Eastern Europe and other despaired parts of the world are put into orphanages and then placed in Mental Institutions when they turn 4 where they ultimately die from lack of care.
Meet Axel! He is ten, a older orphan that probably would never have been adopted if not for Leah! Leah had the chance last spring to meet Axel while she was traveling as a representative for Reece's Rainbow. Adoption is a extremely expensive undertaking especially doing it internationally. Please visit Leah's Adoption Blog. She is doing a Apple IPad Giveaway to help raise funds, every $25 donated will get you an entry into winning the IPad - You can read about it here ;-)
Friday, October 22, 2010
31 for 21 Day 22

Thursday, October 21, 2010
31 for 21 day 21

I took these photos last summer at a family reunion we had in Central Vermont. The Farm originally was owned by my Great Aunt and Uncle, they have since passed it down to their son, my 2nd cousin ;-) They have many horses, but are one of the few Organic Milk Farms in Vermont - pretty cool huh?
Ace even got to ride a horse that day! He was with my cousin Kiki. She had rode a horse before and I have not - I felt safer with him riding with her - Ha!
There is a great story about this horse, I don't specifically remember his name but he was the BEST. My Dad has this animal instinct about him, he's a whisperer of sorts - LOL But this horse LOVED my Dad, he would snort and paw the ground whenever my Dad tried to walk away from him. This is where my Dad spent most of his day at the farm, with his new buddy...
This guy had so much character! And he was such a beauty... The Farm boards many horses and also serves as a foster home for horses that end up in the hands of the Humane Society. The story is that this horse was a rescue, he was the barter in a drug deal gone wrong. Yes, I know what you're thinking - a drug deal in Vermont? Yes, there are drug dealers in Vermont too! Remember it borders Canada ;-) I don't know why anyone would barter this dude, I wanted to take him home with me!
Soak it up people! Seep into it, snow is just around the corner - it is actually snowing on Mt. Washington today!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
31 for 21 Day 20
Before I know it Christmas will be here and I can't believe it. I actually wanted to skip the whole Halloween decorations and go straight to the X-mas ones. It would save a whole heck of a lot of time wouldn't it? I'm starting to get a little panicky because I have to go to Gatlinburg Tennessee in 2 weeks for a Trade Show and it is a 5 day long show! Ugh... A total of 7 days out of town and the week after is Thanksgiving! Holy Crap...
So rather then think about all the things I NEED to get done, I'm thinking about the fun things I want to do. Saturday we are going to a Pumpkin Patch and picking our "perfect" pumpkins to carve. The last time Asa went he was tiny, so this year will be so exciting. He'll absolutely love the hay ride, I just don't know how were going to keep him from not wanting to drive the tractor because Daddy always lets him drive at home - LOL
I will post pics of the big day. But in the mean time THIS is how I want to carve my pumpkin - yeah I know Good Luck to me right? If you haven't figured this out yet, I like to dream BIG!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
31 for 21 Day 17, 18, 19
Ha! I've been lazy about blogging on my days off. There is way too many other things to do like hanging Halloween decorations with Asa Man. I finally dug them out of my PARENTS garage. We had to take over part of my parents garage because we just don't have any storage room at our new house right now for ANYTHING! We plan on building a garage next year, holiday decorations were the first thing to go somewhere else...
Anyhow, I had put Asa's frog boots on him when we first went outside because with all the rain we had the end of last week the backyard was a little wet still. All I could picture was him ankle deep in mud with his brand new Adidas Sambas! So, as I'm whittling away at hanging leaf garland and making sure the ghost on a stick was facing the road just so. I catch Asa Man out of the corner of my eye come tooling around the edge of the house pushing his lawn mower - BAREFOOT! All summer we've run around barefoot outside, fine in 70/80 degrees, fantastic in 90 degrees, but yesterday was 56 degrees! Not that he would of froze to death, that's not the point, but I couldn't believe he wasn't freezing his cute little pootsters. I stop what I'm doing and say, "Hey Dude, where are your boots?" He freezes and looks at me, I reprimand with "You need to put your boots on, it's too cold to go barefoot." Well, lately I have not been getting my cute little boy responses anymore, it was a resounding "UGH" followed by a nasty "MOMMA". I knew right then and there the struggle wouldn't be worth the outcome, he was not going to freeze. If it was 46 degrees it would of been a whole other story...

On another note - I did not get a chance to watch Monica and David the other night or even on Sunday (I fell asleep on the couch). Honestly, I'm kind of glad. I thought it was going to be an uplifting story about love and special needs, but what I've heard from other parents would of rung so true in my mind as well. Some of the comments I heard were - "It kind of made me sad, I wish they had lived more independently from their parents", other parents said it made them think and kind of forgetful of the fact that our kids are not viewed by others the way we see them in everyday life and the dreams we have for them and their future. The movie kind of made you think twice about their future like you did back when this whole journey was started. But like I've said before, it's what you make it. Who says that Asa's future is going to be like Monica and David's? We can't plan our children's future for them, whether they have a disability or not. If Asa says to me 20 years from now, "Mom, I want to break the land speed record on a motorcycle." I would say "Let's figure out how you can do it."
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Every Momma's Wish

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
31 for 21 day 13

Asa and Grampy - September 2008
Blog Archive
- 31 for 21 Day 28
- 31 for 21 day 27
- 31 for 21 Day 26
- Help Bring Axel Home
- 31 for 21 Day 22
- 31 for 21 day 21
- 31 for 21 Day 20
- 31 for 21 Day 17, 18, 19
- 31 for 21 Day 16
- 31 for 21 Day 15
- Every Momma's Wish
- 31 for 21 Day 14 - Asa Photo Timeline
- 31 for 21 day 13
- 31 for 21 Day 10, 11 and 12
- 31 for 21 day 9
- 31 for 21 Day 8
- 31 for 21 - I lost count...
- Obama Signs Bill Replacing "Mental Retardation" wi...
- Wordless Wednesday
- Wow!
- 31 for 21 Day 5
- Monday, Monday...
- Day Three 31 for 21
- Welcome Fall...
- October is Down syndrome Awareness Month!
About Me

- Jackie
- My name is Jackie and I am a mother, wife, friend, sister, daughter, cousin to many, and a dreamer of sorts. I dream of many things and one is a life full of acceptance, achievement and success for my Super Hero son Asa. He's got extra good stuff that comes with a little thing called Down syndrome. We live in the beautiful state of New Hampshire with our 2 Bulldogs; Rosie, Frankie and 36 chickens.